An important announcement

Dear ELXIS Community,

We would like to inform you that we are in the final stages of finalising the deal with the first country for the mass production of our Wide Range Energy Collector.

We expect this to be a fruitful collaboration that will help us establish ELXIS Energy as the dominant player in the Energy Industry due to the nature of the ELXIS technology and the abundance of its use cases. It has been a very long journey and it took us almost 3 years and to reach this point but we are now happy to share with you that we are confident that we are moving forward and we expect ELXIS to get the recognition it deserves and revolutionise not only the Energy Industry but many more.

Please wait for more news in the days to come in regards to the deal and the ELXIS Exchange.

ElxisEnergy thanks you for your trust. Keep in mind that our product is the future of energy. If you believe that the energy market has a future, then you are in the right place.


Elxis Energy

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